The Impossible Ride. 1st bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED + letter
The Impossible Ride. 1st bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED + letter
The Impossible Ride. 1st bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED + letter
The Impossible Ride. 1st bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED + letter
The Impossible Ride. 1st bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED + letter
The Impossible Ride. 1st bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED + letter
The Impossible Ride. 1st bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED + letter
The Impossible Ride. 1st bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED + letter
The Impossible Ride. 1st bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED + letter
The Impossible Ride. 1st bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED + letter

The Impossible Ride. 1st bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED + letter

Regular price ¥3,500 Unit price  per 

The Impossible Ride. 1st bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED + letter

The Impossible Ride: The first bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED by author, also includes a letter written by and signed by author.

Louise Sutherland--a 5 foot nothing, 103 lbs. state registered nurse from New Zealand was in her early fifties when she completed this "impossible ride." Hardly the attributes for such a fantastic and often gruelling experience. Yet she did it. But "impossible rides" are nothing new to Louise. In the past thirty years she has cycled in many countries including Europe--East and West, The Middle East, India, U.S.A. and Canada, Hong Kong, Iceland and Peru. Without any form of sponsorship she has organised and financed these journeys herself by nursing, lecturing, radio talks and newspaper articles. Her first book, "I Follow the Wind," chronicled her first cycle trip--around the world. It was printed by hand on a second hand press in her London living room, and has already sold over 7,000 copies. At first her travels were for the sheer joy of cycling. But lately Louise has combined travelling and fund raising, to aid medical programmes in the needy areas she has visited. After a year of voluntary nursing in a jungle hospital in Eastern Peru, she returned to New Zealand where she raised over $20,000-worth of aid for that area. The proceeds from the sale of "The Impossible Ride" will be used to finance a project to provide a Mobile Clinic for much-needed medical work in the Humaita area of the Trans Amazon Highway, proving that like her ride, nothing is impossible if you want it hard enough.

The Impossible Ride. 1st bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED + letter
The Impossible Ride. 1st bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED + letter
The Impossible Ride. 1st bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED + letter
The Impossible Ride. 1st bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED + letter
The Impossible Ride. 1st bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED + letter
The Impossible Ride. 1st bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED + letter
The Impossible Ride. 1st bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED + letter
The Impossible Ride. 1st bicycle ride across the Amazon jungle. SIGNED + letter