Air New Zealand Celebrating 75 Years
Air New Zealand Celebrating 75 Years
Softcover, very good condition, slight wave to book ISBN 9780473302511 Publisher: Bauer Media Group (NZ), 2014 242 pages.
"Air New Zealand will commemorate its 75th annivers ary with an exhibition at the country's national museum Te Papa i n Wellington. The airline will celebrate 75 years of operations during 2015, and is working with Te Papa to launch a six month ret rospective exhibition that will open in mid-December 2014. Air Ne w Zealand Chief Executive Officer Christopher Luxon announced the exhibition at a function in Wellington this evening. "Our airlin e has been an integral part of the fabric of New Zealand and we h ave enjoyed the immense support of New Zealanders for almost 75 y ears. The exhibition, which will be free to attend, will give the public a real insight into the history of the airline, covering both the highs and the lows we've experienced in that time," says Mr Luxon. Te Papa's Acting Chief Executive and Kaihautu-, Arapat a Hakiwai, says the national museum is excited to be working with Air New Zealand to bring its history to life. "Air New Zealand's 75th anniversary is a milestone, and it presents us with a great opportunity to share some of the wonderful personal stories that have shaped its rich history." says Mr Hakiwai. The exhibition w ill open on 20 December 2014 and run until early June 2015"