Gold rush country of New Zealand by Gordon Ell
Gold rush country of New Zealand by Gordon Ell
Softcover, very good condition, some fading to covers. ISBN 9780908608461 / 0908608462
Publisher: Bush Press, Auckland , 1987
Gordon Ell's exploration of the scene of the early NZ gold rushes, the history behind each field and the relics and reminders that remain is a refreshing and informal study of the subject. While the text is crisp and informative it is his careful selection of illustrations that gives realism to the words. These include drawings from the gold rush days, plus photos and technical diagrams of mine works and equipment. Historic illustrations are printed in sepia, modern shots of relics or remaining buildings in b/w, with 13 colour photos also covering the latter subjects. Maps of the North and South Islands show the major gold mining locations. 80 pages, colour pictorial card covers .
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