SIGNED. Bay of Plenty 1867-1992. Policing Two Peoples
Policing Two Peoples: A History of Police In the Bay of Plenty 1867-1992. SIGNED by Jinty Rorke.
Near new first edition hardback with jacket. SIGNED BY AUTHOR (with gift inscription to previous owner). 450 pages with illustrations.
This lively, very readable history of policing in the greater Bay of Plenty covers a huge area, both literally and figuratively, dealing with the police who served at each of the districts 28 stations and the crimes and criminals that came their way. Although New Zealand's police history has, until recently, gone largely unrecorded, it cannot have been for lack of interesting people and events. In Policing Two Peoples you can read about the constable who rented out his cells, the conman who lost his teeth in the septic tank and the detective who doubled as a dentist. Then there are the unsolved mysteries. Who murdered 16 year old Elsie Walker. Where is Betty Mackay's body buried. What happened to Rotorua tourist Heidi Charles. The book also tells about the district's first multiple murder in 1892, the Sticovich parcel bomb and the Monica Cantwell murder. This volume is full of stories about both the police and their clients, amusing and exciting incidents and horrifying crimes. Author Jinty Rorke, an experienced historian, has researched her subject thoroughly, linking anecdotes with a wealth of information about stations and staff. The lavish use of illustrations, maps and more than 600 photographs adds to the reader's enjoyment. The book also includes lists of over 2000 policemen and women who have served in the Bay of Plenty since 1871.